Page 13 - Contrast1958Winterv2n1
P. 13

"Yeah, thanks."
       I hurry to the bathroom. I stop short at my reflection in the futi
length mirror on the door. My early morning appearance never
ceases to shock me. I often think that I could never marry with a
clear conscience, knowing what my husband would have to look at
before I have my first cup of coffee. I have that dazed, bedraggled look
of one who has just been shot at and missed.
      I rush past the cooly truthful image and emerge ten minutes
later. My head is slightly clearer from the shock of the cold water I
splashed on my face. I note frantically that I have a mere ten minutes
to make my class. I hurl myself into my clothes and comb my hair
like a robot. A cup of steaming liquid is pushed into my hand. I gulp
it down and light a cigarette as I try to collect my books and my
thoughts. I am beginning to feel normal once more. The fast pace of
the college begins to overtake me. I start to make the bed, but the
bell for my class interrupts this chore. I dash out of my room, waving,
to the girl across the hall.
      Ah me, another day.


The flute-sound gropes forward like

a thin-pulled, taut-pulled      wire

             white-fire color in a brown

brown memory-less hall


                    scream I

                                      JULIA SEBOURE

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