Page 29 - Contrast1957Springv1n1
P. 29

"Some guy caught a twelve pound bass upstate."
The other man whistled. "I couldn't even buy a nibble today,"

he said.

      Again there was silence.
      "I read where Slaughter took the gas yesterday," he said.
      "Yeah?" said the other. "Well, it's about time. He's been dodging

it for a year or so."                                                    .

"I'd like to have the tax money that was spent on convicting

him, I know that much."
      "Yeah. Think of all the fish we could buy." They laughed.

      The wind whistled and the black douds overhead started shedding

their tears about the small boat bobbing up and down on the lake.

                       Fairy Tale

Yes, I'll tell you a story, children.

I'll tell you a fairy tale,
Grown-ups won't approve
For the tale will disillusion you-

But if I tell you the truth
You will be mad with fright,
For tomorrow there may be no world.
Tomorrow may be only smoldering ashes and fog

Seared by light and heat.
You'll not have ears for the tale then.
Let me tell you of princes and knights

Of fairy-god mothers and royal balls-
You, my children, who may tomorrow have

No feet on which to dance.
Draw the beauties of fantasy in your mind

And see only the love and laughter-

Don't look at today for hate is ugly

And lies are horrible and misshapen.
Curl up on my bed and turn your bright eyes to me.

I will fill you with dreams
That must carry you through the night.

Black is the night that comes-

First listen to my tale.

                                   Claudia Payne

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