Page 20 - Contrast1957Springv1n1
P. 20


Lthe gladiatorial professor armed with hi, examinatio""
          "Pass them to the rear," Deese continued. "There should be five
   numbered pages. The instructions are self-explanatory; you're all in
   college. It is now two o'clock-the test will end at five o'clock. I
   remind you all I conduct my classes on the honor system ... I repeat,
   you work on the honor system."

         Cliff watched Deese sedately seat himself behind the huge desk.
   With his thin, nervous fingers Deese extracted some papers from his
   brief case, and started to thumb through them, at unrelated intervals
   looking up from under his thick bifocal glasses. His face was pale and
  naked, with large, thick lips offset by very high cheek bones. His
  general appearance suggested dullness and indifference, but something
  in those keen, pale blue eyes told of razor-sharp perception and a
  brilliant mind. Cliff could think of no one who didn't hold Deese
  in the highest regard. He was rough, mighty rough, but good and fair.
  A burning desire to teach, to provoke others to learn, was his mission,
  and he was as devoted as a nun to the church. He had no particular
  affection for the A students, and no malice toward those on the border-
  line, such as Cliff was. His only concern was improvement: a true
  educator in every sense of the word, thought Cliff.

        Thirty minutes crawled by-time enough for Cliff to do everything
 he was certain was right. Now it was time for the sleight-of-hand act
 from the pocket to the blue book. One quick, carefully controlled
 movement to slip the little cards in the back of the exam booklet.
 He raised his hand to scratch his head, then let it slowly drop over
 his ear onto his shoulder, then darted into the shirt pocket for the
 cards. He pulled them out instantly, and slipped them into the book
 which was held open by his other hand. He breathed a sigh of relief
 for a moment, then relief turned into horror when he noticed the
 crib that had slipped from his grasp during the transaction and had
 fallen to the floorl

       Why doesn't he come back here and tear up this damn blue book
and put me out of this misery, Cliff said to himself. He knows I was
cheating, I know I was ... why does he have to practice this amateur
psychology on me. He was looking right at me when I got out of
my seat to pick the card off the floor. Cliff's mind continued to race
and whirl. He glanced up toward Deese, and met the professor's
intent stare head-on. Cliff quickly looked down to his paper, but
admitted solemnly to himself it was all over but the shouting.

      Cliff was startled at the sound of wood scraping wood as Deese
pushed himself away from his desk, and raising his thin body with

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