Page 11 - Contrast1957Springv1n1
P. 11

At I: 30 a.m. they decided to play their last hand. Henry had gained
a sizeable profit and would have been quite willing to play all night.
The cards were dealt, and he quickly drew them into his hands, for
this was to be his crowning victory. "Four tens!" he thought to himself.
After the pot had increased considerably in size, Joe and Pete dropped
out. Bill looked worried, but didn't call the hand until Henry had
put up all he had previously won and then that much again.

       This brought a satisfied smile onto Henry's face, and he threw his
cards on the table, leaning back in his chair and picking up his
recently filled glass. After scrutinizing the scattered cards, Bill came
forth with a laugh that almost made Henry choke. "Looks like four
ladies tops that, eh, Henry?" Although Henry forced a smile and
tried to maintain an austere manner, he felt the old question return
to his mind. Joe was getting up and said sympathetically, "Your luck
is bound to change next week, old manl" After paying off his debt
with a good part of his salary advance of the previous afternoon, he
stumbled out the door. joe's voice came from somewhere behind him.
"Next week it's Bill's turn to have this mob at his house. How about
nine o'clock?"

      "J'm not sure," Henry said. "That's the night I usually spend at
home with the wife. I'll let you know."

      The cold air had cleared his head, but his mind was filled with
confusion. As he approached "the car and fumbled for the keys, he
thought to himself, "Did he s~y eight or nine o'clock?"

            Rain                                  Who

   Soft, grey rain                           Who is this stranger
   Caressing and                             That I see
   Wrapping in mist                          Enmirrored
   Each nude bush and tree.                  In the glass before me
   Kind rain,                                Likeness of myself
   Cover with your gentle                    And yet not me?
   Cloak                                     Could I but solve
• The barren, lonely                         This double identity
   Figures of this world.                    I'd have answer
   Create a springtime                       Even to eternity.
   In your mysterious way,
  And raise the dead                                    Pat Patterson
  To live and breathe again.
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