Page 7 - ARAlbumsWesternNYAlumniChapter1968-1992
P. 7
1.t 0 GREEH T: E il _0 S n, tlOLLFGE
DGa~ ~7~·oem maryland ~ WESTERn Nmv YORit
~ ar~ ,~s and bold ALU1TIf£
li01" Itodge
'17e e he e ,to oueer 60 vti.ctO:-if l~cw YOlo~:
The g.i; eon anc the ~q iel :." J.968
And we vlill a.lways 1.\)e
Loya.l to "thee,
We'll 1 ~a thee sV'e~
Dear 0" d W. Mo eo'
Win, WeDtS:lJn Iidarylanti
Roll up the SOOre
We're hare to win agaiE
Just as we have before
An.. wo will march on -liO ..i~t!lry
never &1i'l$ein
\'/e \7ill fight foJ.
DC3aE' Old Western }jTe.:!'ylo.nd
To W'n •• Win •• Wint t ~
Cookta 1 McDaniel .P".~ROG...R...A....M..........
Roti LeVine
or Opening Remarks
Jambon Owings Greetings from The Hill
Pommesde terre Old Main
Legumes :Baker Messagos froM Al'tl.Dln1
Salada Blanche Ward Western Maryland 0 s Century:
Oafe Wil1..alow The Alma Mater