Page 65 - ARAlbumsWesternNYAlumniChapter1968-1992
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                       Western New York
                             A L U M N I NEW S

                      Volume XIX Winter 1988 Number 1


                                            Eleven alumni and guests grceteu '.'1esternfi!a.rylanCdollege l'resi-
                                      dent Robert H. Chambe r-s, III, on September 18, 1987, at the I,'jcmorial
                                      Art Gallery in Rochester, New York. After a very enjoyable social
                                      hour and a galn. dinner, we were treated to a first-hand report about
                                      what's happening on the Hill.

                                            Dr. Chambers assured us that there is a lot goine, for the faculty

                                and administration. 'lime is now hiring in the big leagues. 'Iitih the

                                       coming of a professional architect, we can expect to ne o.r about many
                                      innovative ideas. A prime project is a complete renovation of the
                                      Hoover Library; many other changes are in the works for the future.

                                            As a result of recent increases in student enrollment, the budget

                            of the college now approaches ~n9 milliot:l. The "Doonesbury" publi-

                                       city brochure has been judged second best in the country; seven awards
                                       have been received by WMC for a variety of recrui't±ng packages; and
                                       the college has been listed in the book, "Bes·t Buys in American Col-

                                            Alumni support of 'i{esternMaryland College continues at a very high
                                       level, and recent grants include $2 million from the Maryland State
                                       Legislature for the library. Admissions personnel travel in all fifty
                                       states as well as outside the country. There is a general sense, both
                                       inside and outside the United States, that something special is happen-
                                       ing at Western Maryland College.

     Dr. Chambers' presentation was followed by an informal discussion in which many ideas were
exchanged about students and education, both in general and at WMC. 'de became more than ever
aware that the college must change -- \'/MC must be dynami.c, or die. Quality as well as quan-
tity is the watchword. Western Maryland is no longer a local or regional college, as evi-
denced by the increasing numbers of students from outside Maryland and beyond the borders of
the United States. The hallmark of Western Maryland College is that of a superb, tradition-
based, residential college, with a spectacular campus; exceptional faculty, administration
and student body; and extremely loyal and supportive alumni.

                                                     Bob Chambers
                                                    chats with •••

        Don Dea .                              Mary-Ellen Perry
WTiIC/WHYPresident                            Secretary-Treasurer

                          Phyllis Hawkins
                    Arrangements Chairperson

Editor and Publisher: William E. Beatty, 194 Connor Drive, Henrietta, NY 14467
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