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P. 24

Alumni Military Reunion Banquet

                                                        October 4, 1997

 Remarks of Greeting                                                    Colonel William C. Robinson' 4 r
 Presentation of Colors
                                                                                           U.S. Air Force (ret.)
Pledge of Allegiance                                                                    Master of Ceremonies
"God Bless America"                                                                       Major Karen A. Doyle
(all singing chorus)
Remarks of Welcome                                                                      . .. U.S.Army
Dinner                                                                             Protessor, Military Science

                                         Reserve                        Officers Training Corps Cadets

                                                                                     Annie K. O'Bovle '0 I
                                                                                        Jarrod 1. Gillam '99

                                                                                      David M. Rogers '99
                                                                                 Robert M. Schoppert '00

                                                                                    Heather M. Woods '99

                                         Colonel Anthony H. Ortenzi '38, D.P.A.
                                                                             U.S.Army (ret.)

                                         Reverend Frederick P. Eckhardt '48, DD'65
                                                            President, Alumni Association

                                                                                   Mr. James C. Elliot '48

                                                                                     Dr. Joan Develin Coley
                                                                                   Provost, Dean of Faculty

Colonel Sigurd L. Jensen, Jr. '44                                                  U.S. Air Force (ret.)

"What It Means To Me"                                                     Cadet David M. Rogers '99
                                                                        Cadet Heather M. Woods '99

Lieutenant General Otto J. Guenther '63                                                     U.S.Army (ret.)

Ceremonial Punch and Toast                                                Lt. Colonel John W. Haker '69
                                                                                               U.S. Army (ret.)

                                                                        Commander David S. Hilder '69
                                                                                                U.S. Navy (ret.)

Golf Prizes                                                             Mr. Robert E. Bricker, Sr. '42

Recognition of Era Leaders                                                Colonel  William  C. Robinson  '41
          World War I1-                                                 (ret.)
                               Mr. Lee D. Lodge' 43 and
Korea-                   -     Mr. John "Nerno" Robinson '43
Vietnam-                       Colonel Marshall G. Engle '49, U.S.Army
Persian Gulf -                 Lt. Colonel James H. Resau '68, Ph.D.
                               Captain Nancy Boore '88
                               Mr. Harold G. Malone '77

'T m Proud to be An American"            Lt. Colonel James H. Resau '68, Ph.D.
Slide Presentation                                           U.S. Army Reserve (ret.)

The National Anthem                                                                Mr. James C. Elliot '48
Retirement of Colors                                                                Major Karen A. Doyle

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