Page 28 - ARAlbums1991-1994
P. 28


                    Six alumni were inducted into the
                    WMC Sports Hall of Fame at the
                    Induction Ceremonies, November 14
                    (l-r): Charles Broil. accepted for his

                    father. Arthur Broil' 29: Harry Blish

                    .50: Gary Scholl' 71 : Sherry Fischer
                    Manning .65: Odd Haugen . 73:
                    Donald Honcman .41.

Trevor Wysong
'92 (right), 1992
Academic All-
America College
Division At -
Large, pictured
with coaches
George Dix, soft-
ball, and Kim
Easterday, swim-
ming, was accept-
ed into the WMC
Fellowship of
Champions during
the Sports Hall of
Fame banquet and
induction cere-
monies, November
14. Not pictured:
Claudia Henemyre


Academic All-
America College
Division Softball
and Academic All-
America College
Division At-Large.
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