Page 14 - ARAlbums1980-1982
P. 14

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                                         WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE
                                      ALUMNI LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE

                                         SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1980
                                  THE FORUM - DECKER COLLEGE CENTER

                                                                                 f Governors of WMC Alumni,
                                                                                m (Dr. Brantley Vitek, President)
                                                                                 be made available)


                                                        Brantley Vitek, Pres.

                                    i chapters on campus? Off campus?
                                    rtment chairmen:

                                                             r, Physical Education
                                     Mr. Carl Dietrich, Music
                                     Dr. Kenneth Gargaro, Drama
                                     Mr. Wasyl Palijczuk, Art
                                     Donna Sellman, Director of Alumni Affairs
                             c) Viewing of liTheArgumentll - 12 minutes

                             d) What can Alumni do for WMC on campus? Off campus?
                                  Information given by:

                                    Les Bennett - Director of Admissions
                                    Jeanne Higbee - Director of Counseling Services
                                    Louise Burchett -Director of Annual Funds

         12:00 - 12:30 p.m.  Lunch  Englar Dining Hall

I                                                       Conference

II                                  na Sellman
                                    are requested to group themselves
I                                    raphical locations indicated

                                    een previously contacted by
                                    nds will meet with Louise
                                    on session - Dining Porch

                                    ing forms. Summary report to
                                    age by a representati ve of each
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