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            MARIA MERCURIO

  Applications have been turned in, decisions have been made,
  diplomas have been handed out, and it'~ time to finally take
  the next big step: college. It's a new place with new people
  and it can be extremely overwhelming. However, drawing
, ,from my own first-year experiences, I would like to offer five
  things I found essential to. surviving freshman year of college:

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  College is an awesome new place where you get to test the bounds of
  your independence. Parents aren't hovering over you.r shoulder, classes
  are not eight hours a day, and you get to decide how you're going
  to run your life, which all sounds great until you realize that all the
  responsibility to plan an,d stay focused is on your. shoulders.

  The best way to avoid first-yecir stress is to get organized early. On
  the first day, almost every teacher hands out a syllabus with important
  test and due dates, so make sure you hold on to those! Whether it's on

  your phone, in a day planner, or on a wall calendar, write down your

  schedule so you can easily spot when your busy weeks will be. Planning
  ahead will help you stay on top of the college-style self-motivation and
  will keep you from getting too overwhelmed.

Getting involved in clubs and organizations is the quickest way to meet

new people and the best way to fight boredom and homesickness.

McDaniel has over 120 different student organizations, so find a group

that sounds interesting to you and go check it out! You qre guaranteed

to meet people with at least one common interest (the one that brought

you all to that meeting).  ,'

With all of the changes and hectic energy that occompcny the first few
weeks of freshman year, sometimes it's hard to open up and meet new
people, but that's also one of the most.exciting parts of moving into a new
school. One of the most important things to remember is that everyone you
meet is in a new place with new people, so don't be afraid to talk to others.

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Ask questions! You're in a new place with new people and new rules;
being lost and confused comes with the territory. luckily, everyone
at 'McDaniel has been in the exact same spot at some point, so don't
be afraid to ask where to go or who to see or what to do. The more
questions you ask, the better prepared you'll be for the years ahead.


It's your first year of college, enjoy it! You're starting what many people
look back on as the best years of their lives. You've got four years of
experiences and memories ahead of you and it starts now. So, between
the madness of moving, meeting new people, and adjusting to college
life, make sure you slow down enough to enjoy what's going on around
you and get excited about it!
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