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Aloha Class of = and =~ It seems lik.e only yesterday that I Graduahn~ from Mdlaniel Colle~e has ~ mixed walk.ed into the yearbook. office here at emotions for me, as Iam sure for all of 1JCll Nter McDaniel College.Now, four years later, years of ~eJtin~ to Ju\oI.v each other, worltir.~ hard I have many ~reat memories I have in school, and oomin~ to Ju\oI.v Mdlaniel as rur home. lifP-inedfrom this experience. Susan, it we have to leave and move on. However, Ihave to has been awesome havin~ you as our smile after all, because in the years spent at Mdlaniel advisor. Thanks for all of the cool ~ifts we have come 00 far and accomplished 00 much, it is you always ~ive us. I will miss hard not to feel haP!'} ~uardin~ the soda fridge. Er-in, best The gC\3l of this booR. was to capture rome of the imprlant moments of the yzar. From the wishes with your enlifP-gementand with completion of Academic Ila11, to Jan Term trips, to oor care of the staff next year! ~ Aloha telis the story of a school yzar Kenny, @od luck.with ~raduation and warth remern1:£rin~. I hope that years from now, your future plans. Beth, Kelly, and Zach, yru will be able to pick up this booR. and remember, I hope you all enjoy on the with a smile, the friends yru have mad. and the fun book.these next couple of years. had during 1JlUf' time here. R.emember that colors are your friend! This booR. cannot be comJ'ete will10ut It was ~reat with you and ack.nowkJ~~ and sincerely I'har.ltir.~ those who gettin~ to you alii Nicole, have JlC'-l""d oountless haJrs into this ]TOp. To alrhough we never ever a~reed on Kim Pantano, Erin 1'rel<1J. Kenny Ditto, KeJIy desi~n choices (] am still waitin~ for Madtirmon. &tn 01f'ist0vich, and WbeII, yru have that pink. Cheer-ios caved, I enjoyed been a great team to work with. To Susan Cullison, with you and I hope Colorado rur advioor, yru have always supported us and p.1Shed us to be creanve with rur ideas and dzsi~ns. To the will be everythin~ you want it to bel readers of this boos, Aloha was intended to be colorful Sk.i hard, play hard, and work. ha.rd too! and fun and I hope yru enjoy i!1 Thanks for all of the ~reat memories, I -Nkrle Grimm will miss you alii ro161 -Kim Rclano
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