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From the day you joined our Iamily you amazed us and delighted UIJ. You rose to each challenge over the years and worked hard to achieve your goals. We have watched with joy and pride as you pursued horseback riding, dance, bowling, smmming, Dunganon WV Habitat Projects, Italy, Key Oub, Circle K Club, Service projecu atthe Zoo, Happy Helpers for the Homeless, Polar Bear Phmges, 100 MDesin Tahoe, MPT telethons - the list goes on. We celebrated with you, and cherished in our hearts, at each milestone and accomplishment on the way. Through it all, your (ocus and ~termination made your success certain. Sharing the last 21 years with you has been an incredible experience. You've made us proud beyond worm. Western Maryland has a been a good fit (or you. We knew you would thriw here, with y01D'inner ·driw, joy oflearning and thirst (or knowledge. You have grown into a beautiful, confident woman and you are well prepared (or the next level. We all know that the college years seem like the best but don't despair, there are many great adventures ahead and you have the heart (or it. (You may even be blessed with great kids Uke we were.) We know you will continue to challenge yourself and life and the world will be a lillle better (or your presence. Congratulations on you achievement. Know that we are always in your heart and you are always in oun. Love Mom & Dad
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