Page 76 - YB2004
P. 76
Baseball This season, Chris Seiberis 20 game hitting dresk: sd a tecord in baseball Iiidory' here at McDanieL Thebaseball team erila1 wih a record of 17-12 overall srd 9- 8 in the Centennia1Conference.The team said gail-bye to seniors Mich Roffman Chris [;eibert Albert Poro. Jeff Dyke, Rudy LaMdte, David Skcczlsu: nrd Ryan [;hdzberger. Mitch Hoffman throws a tELd: pitch into home plate. The Team NlJJIJ.e No. Clue POB. Joe Adelizz.i I PI' 2B Kevin Sslaoore 2 SQ :JB Mitch Noffrrwn 3 g" P ChI'J.c,:SedJer! 4 g" OP Albert Pero 5 81' 2.8 Drmv MII"helJ (, 80 SS Ryan Silo/eberger 7 1£1' 1£8 Jeff'Dyke 8 f:r 28 Greg Ilemmeck: IJ Jr 3J3iOP Chad De,!n<:h 10 PI' OP Jerrell gmth 12 PI' PIIB RtMC Lev-in IJ PI' P Jured Imlr1Jfr 14 Fr OJ' Sieve Jordan 15 So ClOP Jason Karmnnn 17 PI' P AdBm PnltB 20 PI' C '\ Tom Wenrit:!h 21 Fr PIC Chad K"lJer 22 Jr ]BlOP Jimmy J).hl!"en 24 So IBIP Thomas Szel'hk 25 Jr ]BlC .Secil.Deir;"h 27 Jr 2B Rusty J.,o.M oIle 28 Sr OF Justin Btloblsvek 32 So CIOF Jon K.,..Mter 3J PI' OF MRtl C()1'11eh/J.~· 34 Jr P Devtd Skoceles J5 Sf P Joey MOl'nlng,~tBr JIJ So C Tyler Sf"",.r! 41 Jr P 'Ibm Msrshel I 43 Jr P g This terror is on base sfier a dllsty slide to swel:y.
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81