Page 61 - YB2004
P. 61
Ecoreboard Date Opponent Results JO-Aug Wittenberg WJ-O 2-Sep Goucher W 10- 0 6-Sep Elizabethtown W2- J 9-Sep Collegeof Notre Dame W5 - 1 1J-Sep qnch];urg W2-0 16-Sep Fro.d:burg W5-2 20-Sep Skidmore LO-5 24-Sep Salisbury LO-1 26-Sep Muhlenberg W2- 1 t-o« Wwhingi:on W2-1 e-o« Ursinus Ll-2 r-o« Dickinson W4-2 e-o« Bryn Mawr W7-0 14-0ct Fraoklm EJ Marshall WJ-O 18-0ct SW8rthmore W4-0 22-0ct Gettysburg L 1-2 25-0ct Il sveriord WJ -} 29-0ct Johns Hopkit»: WJ-O l=Nov Susquehnnns: L2-5 8-Nov Centennial Conference Cbempionshipe L2-J Gettysbwg 12-Nov ECAC Championship QW;J)ierfinals L2-5 Ilrsinue The pleyers support each other as they drive the bsll down the Itald.