Page 55 - YB2004
P. 55
Date Opponent .Rerultr; 30-Alig Msryisrd Bible lIf8 - a 2-Sep Alvsrnill W l r O 3-S.p Lsrassier Bible W8-0 6-Sep Montclrm ,~Irde LO-2 7-Sep ~VWlfill'n Peiereon L 0 - 1 Ia-Sep Messls.h £0-7 17-&ep Goucher W4-1 20-&ep Franklin o M 'ershsl I W 1- 0 24-gep Johns 11opktns L 0 - 1 27-&ep MBlymOlJnt W3-1 J-Oct Dickinson W3-0 s-Oct Muhlenbe)g' £0-3 7-Ocl La Roche W5-1 Jl-Oot Ursimu W] -1 15-0el Vlil. Julie W5-2 18-0el Haverford W4 - 0 2I-Ocl lork W3- I 25-0cl SWR11hmore W3-0 30-0el Gettysburg T 1 - J (OT) l-Nov WSGhmglon LI-2 7-Nov Centennial Confers[JOs CJlI1,rnpjonshJpti L 1 - 3 Johns Napkin!> 12-Nov beAG ChemplOMhlp Tcornsn fV4 - 1 PrD.f:f:burg 15-Nov ECAC Champion,hip Se"u-Pinsl. tV2- I Pilisburgh-Creencbwg' 16-Nov beAG ChGlmpioMhtp Finsls LO-6 Johns Hopkim; Tiue player decides to trap the bsll before passing it on to a teammate. Hmm ... Which way should I pass to get the best shd? Who is going to gBi:to the ball Iird?
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