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Gamma Sigma Members Alpha Fird Row: Julia Keene. Matt Order of Omega Demos. Lauren Wilson. Lee Order of Omega and Gamma Geraci.Emily Kirchner.J amey Sigma AJpha are greek honor Ayers socidios whose purpose is to SreoroRow: Bradford Burdette. acknowledge dudetds of the Kristen Pohl. JJ esther Sesvoli. greek community who display Ksihywilsor: Robin Schwartz. characteristics of scholarship. Christina Bordule. Amanda leadership and charily; dedi- Rose.Jacob Gerding Brad Wij- cated to bettering both the col- liems lege and greek community. Kappa Delta Pi Members Firct RiM: Katie N udle Kappa Delta Pi is an interna- Secord RiM: Allison Boyd. Jill KJng. tional honor society in education. Megan Rhine. Laura Albaugh. AtMcDanielCollege.KDP isopen Stephani Gulbin to declared elementary. second- Third RiM: K ryeii Durcholz. Sarah ary. and K-12 education minors Voskuhl. Hortense Barber who have reacheda level of aca- Frurth RiM: Angela Seulert. Lurdsey demic excellence in their educa- Ostein. Kaiie Heraock FJfth RiM: Marcie Parke. Bethany tion courses. The organization is Hsd]. Amy J/ulfer. Rachel Lilley dedicatedtoexcellencein thefield Lindsey Del p. Mark Wheeler. of educationand focusesonschol- Stephanie Smith. Melissa Carter arship. leederehip.gro-dh. as weII Lindsey Weaver. Christina Bsrduls. as on current issues in education. Caitlin Burns Members Sociology Club The Scciolcgy Club provides Fird Row: Ti!fany Mack an organization for duderiĀ« Sera Darmoisdski Megan interested in sociology. The Jordan. Devin Collins. Car- club is involved in commu- rie Vivian. brin Shinbol! ni1yservice.recreational.and educational activities both on and off campus.
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