Page 46 - YB2003
P. 46
Alice Sizemore, Lisa Miller The Non Traditional Student Organi- zation strives to meet the needs of Non Trad students by forming peer groups and participating in school functions. We actively pursue solutions to prob- lems faced by Non Trad students and continue to support them through the NSO. Oenzuua Cluh The German Club strives to promote a deeper understanding for German lan- guage and culture through field trips, group activities, and current events. Someoftheactivites they participate in are the German American Day, Holo- caust Survivor Campus Speaker, Ger- man Restaurant Field Trips, an Easter Egg Hunt, and holiday parties. First Row: Stephanie Reed Second Row: Dr. Esa, Luan Luan, Laura Fisher, Christina Cheek, Brent Pertusio, Katie Swift, Clare Hammond Third Row: Nuoman Tullu, Gregory Horvath, Fan Zhang, Niklas Troxel, Kenny Edwards, Jen Kraeer, Lauren Rizzo, Alexei Ray, Michael Nicholat
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