Page 54 - YB2000
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Honor Societies Kappa D~I/(I Pi First Row: S. Thoren, S. Dobres. L. Peterson, E. Price, J Goldsmilh. Second Row: M. Humben. C. Miller, T Willis. A. Williams, 1. Stickles, E. Garoutte. Established to bring all education minors together, Kappa Delta Pi, the National Education Honor Society, received their-charter in 1997. The Honor Society is very involved with the community. KappaDeltaPi volunteers 10read to young children and have even started corresponding via email with a fourth grade class at Cranberry Elementary School. They also hold first year teacher seminars 10 inform undergraduates about the field of education. The Society of Collegiate Journalists is an honor society for journalism students. In order to be eligible, one must have at least sophomore standing with one semester full time experience at television, newspaper or radio on campus. Also, one must have at least a cumulative 3.25 OPA. The general purpose of SCJ is to promote and support the media on campus. As an organization, SCJ has held annual spring conferences for journalism students. Sociery cf Cotlegiate Joumatins First Row: M. Martin. F. Saylor. E. Howard. Second Row: K. Fraser. K. Dunnavant. R. Suchoski. K. Hampson.
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