Page 47 - YB2000
P. 47
Growing in Number His/(JlyClub First Row: D, TOOl, H. Muth, A. Kleiner, E. Cohron Second Row: J. Clarke. M. Burger, H_ Sarnateur. WMC's History Club is active in informing the college's population about historical events by sponsoring speakers, movies anda variety offield trips. Throughout the year, the club visited Washington D.C., Hagerstown, and Gettysburg. They also hosted a History Club dinner in the President's Dining Room. The Honors Affintiy Group is comprised of members from the Honors Program. Students involved in this organization take accelerated classes and participate in cultural outings as well as community service. The program offers students advanced classes in an academic climate conducive to learning. The Honors Affinity Group also produce their own newsletter and Webpages. The Non-Traditional Student Organization is designed to provide information, as well as support, to the growing number of non-traditional students at WMC. A non-traditional student is an individual over the age of 24 who is pursuing his/her first undergraduate degree. HOII"I"sAfJinilyGwllp First Roll': A. Hawkins, J. Fitzgerald. S. Srarleper. D. Reeser. Second Row: A. Ewing. H. Smith. M. Donner. J. Keil, M. Tudor, T. Nccder. R. Caswell. Third Row: C. Addeo. E. Murphy. A.Taylor. M. Michael. L. Bnlla~zewski. C. Mongeon. C. Lindsay, J. BenIT. J. Fitzgerald. M Gribbin. D Lucey. Fourth Row: N. Johnson, D. Todt, S Sprague. F. Karos. N. Williams. Non-Traditional Strident Org,m;Z(1li(JI] T.Willis.D.Otl. ++++++++ 41
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