Page 11 - YB2000
P. 11
A New Improvement to the WMC Campus This year the WMC faculty and students had a new building to operate out of. The completion of the new Science building was a great addition to the Western Maryland College's campus. This new building is connected to the old science building, Lewis, and extends around to the side toward Big Baker. This addition was most exciting to the science students and faculty, for they are the ones that will benefit the most from this new, beautifully built, science building. With all the new rooms and science equipment, the college will definitely be looking at far more applicants to major in the sciences. Having updated technology, especially in the sciences, is very important. This new addition will greatly enhance the specialness of the college and will allow students to expand their learning in ways that were unimaginable before this building. For those students and faculty that are not in the sciences, they still appreciate the new, interestingly modern building that raises the beauty and learning on campus. This is definitely one addition that all faculty and students seem to really appreciate and value. A beautiful view of the new science building A view of the science building at night from the during the day. McDaniel dorm, which is directly across from the new building. -", • •• .~"1 ·~"1 ·~"1 ·~"1 6
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