Page 138 - YB1997
P. 138
M~LI\\4. r=4.l?l?~LL-c)7 ~~ ~~~~~~D~~~~ (U r;ou ~ ~ ~, doa«< t4e jtat4 11ft? t4e '3fJoodJ-, ad to 'fO«" e01UWt 01 t4e S~: ~VCIt t4e ';?IitU ad 1M A~, "'aIf 7ke LtUd ?lieu 111m ad 'J::eeft 111m ~ ft-t~, ~ & ~, ~ tke ';?lad t4at e't4dte4 t4e ~0e4 ad Sta!utdte4tead r;ou to ..~ tiffle, ~ ~ ",111m Me Stitt, Stitt, Stitt o«Jt tittte ~, .1'\LLELL1AJ-1ALLELUJf\]HI! MelissG. Alway!: - !:tay a!: ConerGtulations !:weet as you ate to our Honor Congtatulation!:! student! Love, Love. Gtandad & Gtandma Granny " Papaw 132
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