Page 106 - YB1997
P. 106
DETERMINA TION Erin Murphey outruns the defender on her way 10 the goal. Her skills were an asset to the team THE WINNING FACTOR The women's had a few tough losses women are losing only soccer team got off to a which made them play oneplayer to graduation rocky start this season. harder. The team Senior Captain Erin Many players did not worked well together Murphey. She, along return this year due to allowing them to finish with Junior Captains injury. But, what the the season on a winning Lynnae Stoehr and Niki team did not have in note. They won their Grandrimo encouraged numbers, they had in last five games and the team to play well. heart and spirit. ended with a 9-7-1 Theirleadershiphe\ped Unfortunately, many record. The women's the team to tum their players were injured team spent most of the season around. Practice throughout the season. season on the road. They was a lot of hard work It seemed like there was only had five home but the team was out never a game when all games. They also ended there every day. the players were injury many games after Coaches Jen and Scott free. Despite those overtime. The team's Swanson and Lynn added obstacles, the main goal was to win Stone guided the team women's team played each game before to another successful well all season. They overtime. The Terror 1996 women's Soccer Team: Front Christine Kalobius. Erin Murphey. Megan Giorno. Natalie Hannibal, Stephanie Van Deusen. ~iddle: Margar~t Elneker. Erin Kelly. Ta!1I Mazza. Jessica Mcngrain. Lynnae Stoehr. Head Coach Jennifer Swanson. Back: Assistant Coach Lynn Stone. Sandra Gelman. Elaina Herndon. Julie Backof. Niki Grandnmo, Assistant Coach Scott Swan'on. Not pictured: Jennifer Aquia. Meg MacPher;on 1()()
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