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Honor Societies Help to Further Students' Academic Pursuits Although the hours of work and effort in class may seem to be in vain, a very real result of the grades achieved by students is induction Lambda Iota Tau, Literature Honor into the many academic honor societies active Society. (L-R) on Western Maryland's campus. While each Back Row: Pauline honor society has different rules about Mc.Alcnan. Sarah eligibility, any member can be proud to have Kipp.OeanneLyon. Ann Bevans: From been chosen. Honor societies not only recognize achievement, but provide students with a chance to delve more deeply into their subject of choice and make new friends with similar interests. Beta Beta Beta, the biology honor society, was designed to stimulate interest, scholarly attainment and investigation in the biological sciences. One of the most active honor societies, Tri-Beta provides opportunities for students to gather and discuss as well as become better acquainted with the faculty of the Biology Department. The math honor society, Kappa Mu Epsilon, hopes to promote interest in mathematics at Western Maryland College, while the physics honor society, Sigma Pi Sigma. strives to recognize special achievement in thearea of physics. Although not an honor society, the Society of Physics Students was created to promote physics and provide education about physical sciences in the general community. Because the Society is a club, membership is open to anyone. Lambda Iota Tau, the literature honor society , has been in existence for over twenty years, but current members hope to make LIT a more noticeable face on campus. Lambda Iota Tau honors literature students in both English and the foreign languages. As well as providing students with a opportunity to get their work published in the national journal, LIT holds literature readings and gowz. SlephaniePrice,Susanna discussions forthe whole campus. The largest Kuespert. Julie Kissel, Dr. Iglich (advisor), Keith Remo. Sherrie honors organization on campus is WMC's Bermel.Jesslca l-lall: FrcntRow: Honors Program. With about 120 members, TaraMazza.Courtneykosenthal, the Honors Program requires that members Anne Hillery. Karen Neff.lohn take six courses. specially designed to further Haigh. lames Boicourt stimulate and enrich the minds of Honors AI right Society of Physics students. Whether literature or biology, the Students. (L-R): Back Row: Dr many honor societies and other academic David Guerra. Uchenna Ani. Dan organizations on campus are a source of pride and entertainment for all of those involved. Photos by LaVita Westbrook. HombeckeeGerard Millan 48 All Aboard!
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