Page 18 - YB1996
P. 18
Halloween at WMC: Below: Melissa Dia is cal woman for the nigh! A Howling Good Time! OnTuesday,October31,1995theWestem CAPBoard sponsored a Ghost Walk which Maryland College campus celebrated lead all interested students and community Halloween in the cafeteria with a costume members around campus, highlighting the contest. Students chose to dress up as various ghost stories associated with each characters such as Batman and others chose to building. Students Teaching America's Youth be animals, while still others showed their (STAY) also threw a party the weekend before creative sides as crayons and painters. First Halloween, and invited all current members and second place winners were awarded prizes and their tutees. from the community. The first place winner Halloween was celebrated with various was a female impersonator and the second place winner was dressed as a donkey. In addition to the costume contest, AIRigh!:MeghanJoyceportraysaninnocenlbJackcalfor Iheevening 14 All Aboard!
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