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But what is our "lifestyle"? Can you put a finger on it? Are all college students really the same? Some may choose to think so. But we know that we are clones of one another just as much as we are clones of our parents. And maybe that's the best part about being here. Many first year students, upon their arrival on campus, begin to discover things about themselves and their world that they did not know before. Maybe they have never encountered someone whose native language is something other than English. they've never shared a room. Certainly they've never experienced anything quite like Glar. But these are the things one learns about after class leis OUI. And what types of activities are offered to students on the Hill? What exactly does one do outside of the classroom? WMC sponsors many organizations Which, in tum, provide activities for students. These range from blockbuster films and fascinating lectures to theatrical and musical events to parties and dances held throughout the academic year. This wide range of offerings is designed to appeal to everyone. Whether you're interested in the history of Little Baker Chapel, which is 100 years old this year, or if you're just interested in having a good time, there is something on campus for you. This way. everyone can get involved, whether it be in the planning, execution, and/or enjoyment of these activities. But even all of these goings-on do not round out our definition of Campus Life. Campus Life means hanging out with your friends. It means lounging in the grass around Red Square on a sunny day. It means calling the infonnation desk on a dark and blustery winter morning to find out if your professor is stuck in the snow. It means doing homework. It means getting along with your roommate. It even means going to class now and then. Campus Life includes allihose things that one learns in his or her first days here: that the dining hall is called "Glar.' that it's okay to check your mail six times a day, that the quickest way to dinner from Daniel MacLea is through Rouzer, and that you probably shouldn't be in such a rush to get to dinner anyway. These are the things we'll remember; these are the things we'll talk about at our reunions. So, as you flip through the following pages, be enlightened! Discover what really goes on up here on the Hill, and get involved. These, after ali, are our defining moments. Campus Life 5
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