Page 18 - YB1995
P. 18
Want to go Into the Woods? That's right! On Nov. 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, and 20 the WMC theatre department put on its annual fall production. This year, the department staged a musical that told the story of six classical fairy tales that intertwine with one another to create a series of horrors and magical mayhem. The show was directed by Elizabeth van den Berg with musical director Dr. Margaret Boudreaux. This was the first show in the newly renovated Alumni Hall. Yet, once again, the theatre department put on one fabulous show. At right: Acusaticns fly regarding who is to blame for seuingagiantonthelooseinthisscene,whichtakesplace at the Baker's house. - Alright: Rapunzel confronts her adoptive mother, the Witch. just moments before the girl is stepped on by a grant 14 Campus Life
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