Page 91 - YB1994
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WRESTLING LACK OF DEPTH PRESENTED PROBLEM WMC-Opponent he Western Maryland College Gettysburg's Brandon Ream in the Swarthmore 27-24 T wrestling team went through finals, to become Western Maryland's Albright 21-36 Gallaudet 28-15 much of the 1993-94 season with just first conference wrestling champion in Newport News App. 9-36 eight healthy wrestlers. Unfortunately, nine years. He then reached the Elizabethtown 21-27 York 3-48 Johns Hopkins 16-27 the same weight class, the Green Terror before losing and finishing fourth. Messiah 6-34 Washington & Lee 15-27 often forfeited at least four bouts in a Speers concluded the year with a 9-3 Coast Guard Academy 13-36 match as it finished with a 3-14 dual- record. LaSalle 28-24 Trinity 12-27 meet record. Sophomore Joe Flemming Haverford 27-30 Western Maryland's perfor- built on his 12-11 freshman season by Baptist Bihle 12-22 Ursinus 13-39 mance in a pair of post-season tourna- posting a 22-6 mark in 1993-94. He Gettysburg 12-33 ments was particularly encouraging in earned third place in the CC champi- Muhlenberg IS-40 light of the difficult dual-meet cam- onship and sixth in the East Regional Overall Record 3.14 paign. The Green Terror placed fourth in the 177-pound class. Flemming out of seven teams in the first Centen- lost just once while winning 13 times nial Conference (CC) championship in dual meets. Sophomore Joe Flemming tournament, and then managed a 13th- Western Maryland also re- is deemed the winner in his place finish in the 18-team NCAA ceived a fine freshman campaign from i77-pound Division III East Regional. Dwight Smith in the 134-pound weight class match against Leading the way for the Green weight class. Smith was the CC Ursinus. Flemming also placed Terror in both tournaments was heavy- runner-up at 134, and wound up with sixth in the NCAA East Regional. weight Ted Speers. The junior won the a 16-9 overall mark. His six major CC title with a 7-6 decision of decisions topped the Green Terror. Rick Estes gets eye to Front Row lor: Dwight Smith, John Black, Ray Pickers gill, Rick Estes. Back eye with his opponent. Row lor: Head Coach Paul Johnson, Joe Flemming, Ted Speers, Matt Wachter. Not Pictured: John Hampton, Damon Lewis, Greg Welch, Assistant Coach Frank Young. Wrestling 87
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