Page 72 - YB1994
P. 72
CROSS COUNTRY FRESHMEN AND WEIBLE KEY RUNNERS I f the freshmen on next year's West- 28:36 also came at the Gettysburg Invitational, while another one of his ern Maryland College men's cross country team are as capable as the 1993 best performances came when he placed unit, the Green Terror should be on course 42nd out of 163 finishers at the for much success. Dickinson College Invitational. The top three runners on the squad The women's team numbered just were freshmen, led by Greg Davis, the seven individuals in 1993, but the small first finisher for the Green Terror all group remained dedicated and posted a season. Davis was selected to the NCAA air.of credible.finishes. Division III Mideast Region All-Freshmen Western Maryland placed third at second team, and posted a season-low time the Howard Invitational, as well as of 26:58.9 for 8,000 meters while placing fourth at the season-opening Montgom- 15th at the Centennial Conference (CC) ery-Rockville College Invitational. championship. For the fourth consecutive year, The Green Terror's second runner the Green Terrors' top runner was was Jim Holford, whose best time was Kendra Weible. The senior co-captain 28: 19 at the Gettysburg College Invita- finished third at Howard and fifth at tional with his top finish a 10th-place effort Montgomery-Rockville, and placed 12th at the Howard Community College Ex- at the CC championship. press Invitational. In the second position throughout Rounding out the trio of freshmen the season was Erin Jenkins, a junior. was Shane Brooks. His lowest time of Jenkins's lowest time was 22:40.5 at the CC meet, with a 14th-place effort at Howard her best finish. Western Maryland finished fifth Freshman out of nine schools in the first CC men's Greg" Pappy" Davis, warms championship meet, while the women placed eighth. his hands before the And They're om Leading the pack is sopho- start of the more Jim Clarius, followed by freshmen Jim race. Holford and Greg Davis, sophomore Tim Collins, and freshmen Robie Birdsall and Shane Brooks. ~eD5'Scoreboard Senior Dave Radosevich and junior Dave Montgomery-Rockville Inv. (Sthl9) Weigelt lead a pack of Dickinson runners. Howard C.C. Inv. (2nd/tO) Dickinson College Open (StbI8) Dickinson Invitational (Sthl24) Gettysburg College Inv. (16th127) Centennial Conf. Championship (Sthl9) NCAA Div. mMideast Regional (21st/33) Front l-r: Robie Birdsall, Dave Weigelt, Tim Collins, Shane Brooks, Jim Clarius, Pat Metcalf, Alan Blossom, Greg Davis. Back lor: Erin Jenkins, Melanie Phipps, Sarah Ensor, Dawn O'Neil, Jim Holford. Not Pictured: Dave Radosevich, Kirsten Stockel, Kendra Weible. 68 Cross Country
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