Page 39 - YB1993
P. 39
Mary Vellutato has a blast dancing Ihenightaway. al Eighty-six students served dinner, danced to had a blast kicking up the entertainment of a their heels and letting video OJ, and received loose at the Spring Ball keychains as a memento held at Martins in of the evening. There Westminster on March was also a photographer 26. roaming around taking "It was the first all- pictures. campus formal to be "Martins was the held in five years," said chosen location because Director of College they offered the best Activities Mitchell variety of food, best Alexander. atmosphere, and the The cost of the people were very help- formal was $35 per ful," said CAPBoard's couple or $20 per per- (can't on pp. 36) son. Students were Emily Olan and Skip Squires sing and dance to the music. 34 All Campus Formal
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