Page 207 - YB1993
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, o.1- to 1: ~ : • Designing and executing the production of this yearbook was a difficult undertaking, but • the end result is worth the frustration and hard work. Many hours, days, weeks, and months : have been spent trying to make this one of the best yearbooks ever to be published at W.M.C. 'It took a great deal of effort and dedication to motivate others to live up to my high expecta- : tions, and though I can be too much of a perfectionist at times, I think that the finished product • reflects these high expectations. • With the help of the instructors at the Herff Jones' Yearbook Workshop that I attended • : for a week in July, I was able to come up with a theme, cover design, layout designs for the six • sections of the book, end sheet designs, layout designs for the opening and closing, as well as : an organizational plan for the entire book. I also learned the latest in yearbook page design • which I tried to incorporate in this book. It was my intention to celebrate the anniversary of the : school by comparing and contrasting the old with the new. I think you will like the magazine- • inspired layout designs that were used to make this book more up-beat and contemporary. • I was not solely responsible for this book so I would like to thank everyone who helped : to make the publication of this book possible. Diana Deitch, our off-campus advisor, has been • • a terrific support and friend. Without her help we could not have pulled it off. Not only did she : make sure others were doing their work, she also pitched in when necessary by drawing lay- • outs, :t'Ping copy, and getting photos identified. She even got her husband Scott Deitch in- :~o~~~.'I ~~t~~~k~g~ttw~~ti~b~l~eh~~~s~n~n~O£~~6~:~~~rh~I~.section.Thank you both so • I would like to extend many thanks to Mike Harris, our representative from Hertt Jones. : I appreciate your willingness to help out wherever and whenever your could. A thank you also • goes out to Coy Harris for checking up on us from time to time, and to Joyce Spenla for an- • swering our technical questions. : Without a few dedicated staff members this book would have been impossible to finish. • Cheryl Srnith, thank you for always completing assignments on time. I never had to nag you, : and your layouts never needed corrections. It was a joy to have someone like you on the staff. • Lara Beaven, I know you got frustrated at times but you finally got all of your work done. : Thanks for your hard work! I am sure you will be glad not to get any more yearbook-related • phone mail next year. Gail Conway, it was a pleasure working with you. Thanks for being so • flexible. Allie Shepherd, the section dividers are awesome! You can pat yourself on the back. : Thanks! LaVita Westbrook, Natalie Groff, and Martha Shaver, thank you for all of the pictures • • you took! Sorry for last-minute phone calls. Quianna Pollard, thanks for your dedication and I knew I could always count on you and LaVita to show up at meetings. I would also like • to thank Janeen Emele, Kate ldzi, Molly Davis, Michelle Crespo, Karen Downs, Kristie Susco, • Jesse and Suzzi Love, and Kristin Vick for their contributions toward the completion of the : book. • Mike Jekogian, I do not know where to begin. I cannot thank you enough. Three- . : fourths of this book would have been blank pages if it were not for all of the pictures you took. • Thanks for all of your help and hard work. I do not know how you will be replaced after you • graduate. : I would like to thank Jane DeGroot, our campus advisor, for taking an interest in the • yearbook. I wish more faculty and staff would express an interest in the book so we could : continue to improve it. I would also like to recognize Mitchell Alexander for all of his help. d • Thank you Mitch for helping us out whenever possible and for motivating staff ~embers to . a • : their work. Many thanks also goes out to Barbara Disharoon for providing u~ with student lI~ts, • Brenda Palsgrove for being so friendly and helpful, Donna Sellman for the hlstoncallnform; • tion, Joyce Muller for sending us press releases, and Bob Pick for providing old photograp s : and historical information. . • Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for being so supportive. Sorry you : had to listen to all of my complaints. Knowing you were there was a big help. Sincerely, Melissa A. Love : Editor-In-Chief . 202 Editor's Note
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