Page 198 - YB1992
P. 198
Jude Yearwood ResI- dence life Cindy Zelher, College Ac- tivities College Activities Office Stall Admissions Olfice Stall the man behind the scenes and at the top of the heap, President Chambers 'President, Educator, and Friend President Chambers is more than just the head of the col- heads guest luncheons, talks to student and faculty as ad- lege. He is a professor of Literature, a speaker at many visor and friend. He has been the major driving force behind functions and an entertainer of guests. His job is not a nine the building of the new library and subsequent ampitheatre. to five one, but a twenty-four hour one. He can be seen He even took a scuba class this year. Bob Chambers reflects around campus in a suit, a cap and gown, or just jeans and the diversity of Western Maryland in his own lifestyle. He is a t-shirt. When people ask what does he do, the question the President, Educator, and friend. should be what doesn't he do? He runs board meetings, 192 Academics
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