Page 184 - YB1992
P. 184
'Picture 'Ghis Western Maryland is rich in even jewelry. With so many artistic variety. From stu- possibilities students can dent exhibits to faculty major in art, minor in art, or demonstrations, with even choose a dual or double some outside shows WMC major. Some of the people shows off its talent well. On and styles of art can be any given day you can walk seen on these pages. into the art building and be These works can be any- overwhelmed with the thing from fun to a social spectacle of another exhib- commentary on the world it. Other times during the around us. What do you see year exhibits are featured in these works? Only the in Decker Center. The art individual can decide his or department encompasses her own interpretation. drawing and painting, pho- - Tony Rosas tography, and sculpture and cy of some artists. 178 Academics
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