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Who can go to class on a day like this? A great hide-out from snoop' Ing professors Is the roof of the WMC caboose. BlO'lYNOFF! Everyone has a time that away from campus can be very they don't feel the need to therapeutic for even the most drag themselves to class. studious person. Time spent Whether it be because of res- away from the classroom can ular illness or some other dis- be positive since it allows you traction, it happens to all of to get away from the everyday us. What exactly are some of routine or relieve the tensions these other distractions? of everyday life. This is not on- Some of the most common Iy true for students, but for things to do when not in class faculty and administrators as are eat or sleep, while the well. Often, a class will be unique range from roadtrips to cancelled for unknown rea- other schools to a trip to Bal· sons. Professors go to con- tim are. Some WMC students ferences and have their "play say they just can't handle days" as well. There can be class when it's good golfing any number of reasons to skip weather! a class, some warranted, oth- Skipping class doesn't al- ers not, but usually they can ways have to be a negative be justified. venture. Times are stressful for the average college student. - Tony Rosas A little extra sleep or a trip Blrd·watchlng Is a great diversion to gel your mind off of a busy schedule. Which Is better: doing laundry or going to class? Jeanine chooses laundry. 170 Academics
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