Page 149 - YB1992
P. 149
MEN'S LACROSSE A fine stretch run en- and made 71 saves. abled the 1992 WMC WMC's attack was men's lacrosse team to well-distributed, with post a 7-5 record. junior Joe Furnari lead- The Green Terrors won ing the way with 30 goals four of their lasl five and 28 assists. His 58- games, aller back-to- point total was just back losses to Middle ahead of the 54 regis- Atlantic Conference tered by senior Brian (MAC)-Weslern Division Sattler (team-high 36 opponents Scranton and goals, 18 eeatstsj. with Gettysburg dropped the senior co-captains Clark team's mark to 3-4. The Hospelhorn (26 goals. 14 tate-s e a s on success assists) and Craig Wan- was due in part to the ner (14 goals. 21 as- play of sophomore goal- sisls) third and fourth ie Marc Brunco, who took (above) Inclement and cold weather often forces the team InsIde during the pre-season. Craig Wanner looks for room to maneuver during the Scranton game. 1992 WMC Men's Lacrosse Team: (front row, left to right) - Tony Rosas, Andy Price, Alex Koundourakis; (second row) - David Heritage, Scott Stampp, Craig Wanner, Clark Hoeper- horn, Torre Kasemeyer, Keith Abel; (third row) - Marc Brunco, Brian Sattler, Marc Schwaab, Chris Culler, Chris Lynch, Peter Kangas, Harrison Dunne; (fourth row) - Rob Snyder, Glenn Photoa c<>ntributed by The Ca"olt County Times, C_Kun Hotter, and ~;i
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