Page 204 - YB1991
P. 204
TOP TENS Top Ten Publishable Library Graffiti 1.)"It's doom alone that counts." 2.)"1 can't believe WMC students ac- tually wrote this filth." 3.)"Studying is the basis of all psy- chotic phenomenon." 4.)'Knowledge is power." 5.)"Love is the drug for me." 6.)"1 want to go home." 7.)"Gumby is God." 8.)"T 0 study or not to study: that is the question." 9.)"1 am amazed by the brilliant lit- erature here." 1O.)"Why are you reading this? You should be studying." Top Ten Most Popular Profes- sors l.)Dr. Colyer 2.)Or. Seidel 3.)0r. Ashburn 4.)Mrs. Milstein 5.)Dr. Fennell 6.)0r. Law 7.)Or. Zepp 8.)Mr. Weinfeld 9.)Or. Neal 1O.)Or. lglich 200.... Community
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