Page 158 - YB1991
P. 158
KristineLeonard congrat- ulates her teammate for High Goois The 1990 women's soccer team finished their fourth varsity season.With a smallroster and several injuries,the Terrorsfought their way through the season with determination often only able to put ten players on the field. Led by co-captains, senior Bonnie Grouch and junior Amye Walker. the team showed versatility as all the players were asked to playa variety of positions.Theonly player who consistently stayed in the same position was the goal-keeper, Claudia He- nemyre, who anchored the Terrordefense. Jen Gordan led the midfield players and BonnieGrauch was one of the top offensive players. Losing only two players to gradu- ation, the women's soccer team is looking forward to a strong. experienced squad for next season Renee Lemire shows true determination in her drive toward the goal. 154 ~ Sports
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