Page 8 - YB1990
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Environmentalism wasn't the only issue this year; we got interested in Women's Rights, AIDS, and peace. In the fall, nearly 100 people, clad in purple and white, travelled to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington to voice their pro-choice stand on abor- tion. Meanwhile, on campus, as the library construe- tion proved to be a minor inconvenience, we marched on. Helen Lowe, a junior majoring in art and communications, received an Honorable Men- tion in the USA Today AIlĀ·Star team of college stu' dents, the Maryland Teacher of the Year Award was given to Dr. Ira Zepp, and Caitlin Monroe and Claire Thevenoux were named Academic All-Americans for Basketball in the seven state region. Before the winter holidays, the Commuter Student Association sponsored a clothing drive in Decker Center. It be' gan with an empty ovenĀ·sized box to fill and ended in a pile of bags of clothes which covered a ten-foot square area of the floor. This year, with marches, projects, and awards, the Western Maryland community got aboard the moving train of change and stayed with it all the way. - Kimberly Hildebrand SB Opening
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