Page 191 - YB1990
P. 191
41, $.etting money.When it comes < down to it, that's how the year· book is put together. Money. The best writers, photographers, and lay·out designers can't get anywhere without funds. Thanks to the communi- ty, this yearbook happened. Sometimes it seems that pie from Westminster there is a giant wall be· work at WMC, and stu- tween Westminster and dents here have jobs in Western Maryland Col· town. lege. The sepa· As both sides ration comes begin to realize from both sides, that we work and some don't better together even care to than apart, the • change the situ' wall will break .ation. But, the down and more wall is being ",m.","""'''"' friendships will c r 0sse d. The kedayhoff, a Westminster artist, be made. Carroll County displayed his works at Gallery 0" '0 February. Hospital gave its time and people for Choles- terol screening, and the Target group opened its arms in friendship to the mentally retarded citi- zens of the county. Peo- Commuters, Ron Ferguson and Katherine Welsh, often walk under theWllrd Arch, at the edge of campus on Main St.. on their way to class.
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