Page 167 - YB1990
P. 167
etting involved. By joining a ser- vice group, academic club, or social organization, students have the ability to add to the excite- ment on campus and even instigate change on the Hill and in the communi- ty_ Most notably this at the Special Olympics, year, the Student Envi- and the Sig Ep's cleaned ronmental Action Coali- up Route 31 on the tion has changed the "Adopt-a-Highway" pro- habits of the gram. campus and There lare supported Presi- more than fifty dent Chambers' organizations theme of Envi- on campus ronmental con- which students cern for the can be a part of, year. and Western Other groups Chwl"d". S,,,h wuuems. Maryland stu- got in v 0Iv e d dents are in- at a basketball shows her spirit with the community, volved, such as the Phi Mu ef- forts to get blankets, soap, and shampoo for needy mothers. Target and the sisters of Alpha Nu Omega were huggers The WM( Choir, directed by Dr. Boudreaux, sings for the Christmas program in Decker Center
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