Page 149 - YB1990
P. 149
In'ielder'"positlon, first baseman Rob Howell watches the batter, and gets ready Terrors Strike to spring into action The 1990 Terror baseball team did not have a grand slam Statistics season, but they did score some runs, and remained enthusias- tic. The team ended with a record of6-15 overall, but accumu- 12·4 lated over 162 hits throughout the season. 10-16 4-3 Offensively, captain Jeff Wrabelled the team with a .381 5-6 batting average, and sophomore Jamie Wiles drove in 14 runs 21 for the Terrors. Defensively, pitcher Ron Chanski held a 4.04 4·10 ERA - the lowest on the team, and, as with juniors Skip 5-' 21 Tyson and Joe Herman, won 2 games. Wiles also helped the 2-5 team in the field with a .977 fielding percentage and 114 put- 86 outs, and catcher Scott Lowenberg held a .987fielding percent- 35 age, with 68 put-outs and only one error. 6·25 The Terrors are optimistic for next season. - Nancy Koczan 0-8 38 FRANKLIN & MARSHALL6.13 4-18 7-15 2-12 4-5 05 2-0 Betweeo Innings, the WMC players relax and cool ofl in the dugout From III '1110'" perspec' tive, we see Alan Jacob. SOn at the plate
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