Page 71 - YB1985
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What We're All About! The Alma Mater College ties can ne'er be broken Formed at W.M.C. Far surpassing wealth unspoken Ever may they be. Western Maryland! Hail, all Hail! Echo softly from each heart. We'll be ever loyal to thee 'Til we from life shall part. Men's Sports Women's Sports Western Maryland College Baseball Basketball admits students of any race, Basketball Cross-Country color; religion, sex and national or eth nic origin to all the rights, Cross-Country Field Hockey privileges, programs, and activ- ities generally accorded or made Football Lacrosse available to our students. The Lacrosse Softball College does notdiscriminale on Ihe basis a/sex, as required Soccer Swimming by Title IX or the Education Swimming Tennis Amendments of 1972 and the regulations 0/ the Office of Tennis Track Civil Rights a/the Depart- ment of Education. The College Track Golf does not discriminate on the Golf Volleyball basis 0/ handicap as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilita Wrestling tian Act of 1973 as amended. Western Maryland College 67
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