Page 172 - YB1985
P. 172
Mixtd Company Fire alarm, after fire alarm, Rouzer Hal/'s residents marched outside in all kinds of weather, only to find that once again a prankster had set off the fire alarm. Rouzer seemed to be the dorm to pick on and abuse, with "Nice life Rouzer" being hailed time and time agam. Housing one and a half floors of women, and two and a half floors of men, with one male floor being an all male study floor. the residents found it hard to understand why ev- eryone else seemed to think Rouzer was so unappealing. With Rouzer located right above Decker College Center. residents found it necessary to leave the building only when traveling farther than Memori- al Hall. The cafeteria. book- Coke mecbine louisa Wright glancE'S through her closet trying 10 decide what to wear /68' Rouzer Hall
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