Page 140 - YB1985
P. 140
Junior Class Officers Karyn Upton- Treasurer John Lifprade-Secretary Sharon Eimer - President Andrew Stump - Historian Robin Adams - Vice President On Top of Things Any bureaucracy system needed responsibility and needs leadership. Student organization. These were the Government Association was leaders - the people who led by Peter Brooks for the took office to serve the stu- 1984-85 school year. Ques- dents and expected nothing tionaires were sent out to in return. Without our Stu- find the areas needing atten- dent Government, there tion and Peter and his offi- would be no one to fight cers attempted to mediate against the tuition hike, or between administration and keep the deli bar open at ev- the students. The job was not ery meal, or budget student easy, and otten the amount organizations and help to get of work went unnoticed by more funds where needed. most students. Maybe issues weren't as vi- Each class had its officers tal as world and state issues, that conducted class affairs. but SGA did help things run Not a small job, class officers more smoothly at WMC
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