Page 115 - YB1985
P. 115
A very familiar face in the weight room. Karin Beerdstee. goes through a Norm Dahl is one of the regulars of the weight room. After football season is over. he can be found lifting weights'lt least three afternoons a weeki Gordon Digby stands by ready to be of assistdncein case of an accident ~mping iron, doing sets, saw near the place. P Idting - all the working Male or female, they were The Keiser equipment. thought not to used by dll. offers an alternative out done for the reason of serious. Anybody that Those ot as who do not want. Dr toning muscles. spends two hours in one of cannor.lif! free weigl!ts Whether the males just these places sweaty and use the updated equipment. tried to make their biceps smelly has to be committed. Although for some more noticeable or if they Some thrive on {he pain, oth- "pumping iron" was not the needed to get in shape, they ers make themselves do it ev- appropriare term, the swing found the new weight room ery Monday, Wednesday, towards nautilus and spa en- to be an excellent improve- Friday. Making time for the rollment did result in more ment over the once lower proper program seemed to interest and participants. The Decker Center weight room be the only block to the new weight room was a wel- overlooking the pool lifters. come addition to the new Girls were found in the The new machinery with gym. weight room when getting the air pressurized weight into shape for a sport season system attracted many col- of for a three day commit- lege students and even town ment and then never again jocks travelled to campus to Working Out III
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