Page 104 - YB1985
P. 104
Trying to get open. Barbie Hess pivots around her oooonem WOMEN'S LACROSSE W.M.C. ~ ~ Wide"", 9 » l~."""V~kr ! II .Jch... Hop .... l' I] C~eDfM"'e£).o"'e IJ " DI.~j ... "" 6 N Geuy.i>wll" 1507 /J W."'in~I~" II" ~ UMBC I! _0.",..u!·2-/_ A Winning Season What a season! The 1984- practicing and practicing 1985 Women's Lacrosse team paid off with the result being had a super overall record of a winning season. The team's 1-2-1, with one of their losses 5-0 winning streak was being a 15-11 loss to Gettys- broken to the College of burg in overtime. Their sea- Notre Dame, when they tied son started when 16 mem- in the regular playing period, bers of the team travelled to and the other team chose Bermuda for Spring Break, to not to play overtime. The re- practice and play lacrosse. maining games of the season With two-a-day practices went well, with W.M.C win- and several games, the team ning two of their last four kept themselves busily play- games, to complete a win- ing lacrosse for a week. ning season!!!!! Their week in Bermuda 100 Women's Lacrosse
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