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S T UA DS ES NO J. Palmer, M. Kline, J. Sweren Row 2: S. Ward, D. DeMatte, J. Rickett Row 3: D. Hamlett, E. Clark, M. Miller Row 4: D. Dale, TC SENATE: G. Peck, L. Siegenthaler, L. Chance, S. Manning Row 5: E. Singer, K. Peregoy, S. Eimer Missing: D. Humphrey, L. Fisher, N. Trufeno, M. Hardesty GI OA SGA was an active group this year. On Valentine's Day, the Housing Committee dis- VT tributed a questionnaire to all students to find their opinions on co-ed housing options, E I Greek housing, and possible changes in the lottery system. Because of the tremendous RO reponse to the questionnaire, a Housing Forum was held where representatives from NN various segments of the col- lege served on a panel. Over M 100 people turned out for the discussion. E SGA also co-sponsored a three-day Voter Registration Drive in early March. The N Drive was successful in regis- tering over 200 new voters. The Student Government is T also responsible for Home- coming, all student elections, EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: J. Sweren - Corresponding Secretary, J. Ballentine - Recording Secretary, L. Sieqenth- appointing students to stu- aler - President, M. Kline - Vice-President, E. Proctor - Elections Chairperson Row 2: G. Peck - Housing Chairperson, B. Heckman - Publicity, F. Held - Action Chairperson, J. Rickett - Treasurer dent/faculty /trustee commit- tees, and for financing publi- cations and the four classes. Overall, it was a successful year! 115
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