Page 165 - YB1982
P. 165
CROSSROADS 1982 Beth White, Editor Pete Roof, Photo Editor Kelly Liescheidt, Business Manager Rolp'l Filth A loud thank you to the fifteen organizations who took the time to send wrt- feups about their purposes and activities. Unfortunate- Iy. due to the apathy of the other seventy organizations, the "groups" section of the book had to be cut down considerably, leaving no ex- tra room for writeups. Please accept this apology. Brenda Flemng. Beth wtnre. to-ev Fisher Olt'oef sloff merrbers and helpers not PICtured NancV Held, Liz S~'haler. Varnon pccerts. Coo LeWIS. Pete Roof KeiV tesceect This is it-your yearbook If you hove any suggestions for its improvement, please speak to the 1983 editor. or better yet. join the 1Q83 staff. The yearbook should express the spirit of the college from many poe-ts of view but when the editor has to do all. this goal is seldom achieved. Only you con correct this problem 163
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