Page 196 - YB1981
P. 196
ROUZER HALL l st Floor. Row I: Ed Proctor. Joh n Schavo ...... Jeff Leiki .... Bob Heaps. Kevi n Whitcomb. Rob Bowell. De Lastteec. Row 2, Ken Myers. Jeff Dawson, Rick Donly, Bill McGoey. Mark Cockerill, Jeff Trice, Pat luce, Steve Ports, Mark Jorda n, Mike Meister. Row 3: Greg Elbo, Steve T. Goo n, Steve M~ciejezyk, St eve Ry...olds, John Anguiulo, Mark Cavanaugh. Larry "Pick" Hammond, John Seiler, Doug Pinto, Chris Adamiak, Bill Livi ...gston, Ke ... Seh ...fer, Mark Myli ... The Unsolved Mystery Of The Missing Picture Sorry!!! 2nd Floor. Row I: Matthew Ponton, Jack Springer, Jim Riner. Dave Mart en s. Row 2: Scott Bteckbrum, Chad Woodburn, Gary Harris, A ...dy Bowes, M~rk Winfrey. Row 3: Mik" Arbuco. GIen Pruitt, Scott Kurkia ..., Jeff Carlso ..., Joh ... NiSI, John Boinis. James R~pp. Tony Ramas, Alia ... Berri ...dini, Jeff Kil"y, Wayn .. eeese 3rd Floor, Row I: Chip Crum, Mik e Wood, St ev" Hold ..", Mike Suppl ngton, Henry Seveqe. Row 2: John H~ttery, D~n Trolling"r. Bruc" Springstee ..., Allan Cusack, Geli loa ...nou, George Probeyah ..., Bill Ward. Row 3: John Griff~y, Mark McCullin, Fred Malkus, Dana HIli, Ro...lulgen. Luis Aranaga. Bruc e Anderson, Russ Miller, Harry P. Ness. Bob Thomas. '"
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