Page 79 - YB1980
P. 79
The mcrhernoncs is brood in scope thor srcoevs rhe basic have the graundworl~ for a variety of careers, as well as having a Thorough prepororion for crcooore In addiTion. rhe deporrment has compurer science offerings and tc offer a Morhemarics/Compurer Science major in rhe 1980ยท81 academic year Dr.HarryR~nzweig Faculry Viewpoint "1 believe rror WMC is a good, srrong liberal errs college wirh many oreresrec sruoems and cecscorec professors. Ar Thesome rime. I believe Thor There is considerable room for improvemenr. I would like ro see more one-re-one cor-roo berweer- students and faculry, OUTwhot I rhinl~ is less importanr rhan whcr srucenrs Think abour whether our current program is meemo Their needs. Perhaps ir's rime to Dr. Lindo E5hlo?mon begin a more serious dialogue about our academic pro grom " . Dr. Rolph Levering
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