Page 35 - YB1980
P. 35
Homecoming Day, Ocrober 13, 1979, re minded us rhor now IS the nme for The for the rradirional coroce down Main in Wesrminsrer. Among those in the rode were Dr and Mrs, John, rhe Arrhur G 29, and rhe I'\ing and Queen. Smyrh Ann Looser Closs orrendonrs included· Valerie and Carl McWilliams, Junior closs; Cone mons and Dove Sorer. Sophomore class; and Drandlond and Dove Engel clopped as rhe Delr fire engine or laughed with rhe Phi Dell Kazza Drama showed irs col ors as srocenrs handed our uerorcre on This year's ocnvmes refleCTingThe theme "The SiXTies rhe Madness" Desr floor ro rhe Junior Closs who sooteo The "lnrernorlonol Year of the Child" The orrer-cco foce off between MAC Champion Widener o-o the Green Terrors ended wirh rhe Terrors down 14,6, Furrole-ms described Terror ploy; rhe Turnovers COST rhem the Homecoming coree was SOT· urdoy niqhr Two bonds were teorored. Triad for those who favored reck and and Taxi for the osccers. The weekeoo
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